Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 2
Assassins 2 - Ultimate Games No. 2 (1995)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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Text File
373 lines
; Tetrisvars.s © Copyright 1990 Software Alchemy All Rights Reserved
include 'tetris.i'
RECT_LX equ 6 ; Playfield position of Player One
RECT_LY equ 6
RECT_RX equ 28 ; Playfield position of Player Two
RECT_RY equ 6
; Player Stats is FIRST!!!
PlayerStats dc.l 0 ; Alive.W Level.B Count.B
BlockPos dc.l 0,0 ; Suggested X,Y, Current X,Y
BlockSpeed dc.l 0 ; Velocity X,Y
BlockID dc.w 0 ; Block Color # + Last Case
LastButton dc.b 0 ; Player Last Button State
RotateFlag dc.b 0 ; Flag of right edge rotate
xbat dc.l 0 ; Mouse Position x,y
ybat dc.l 0 ;
olda dc.l 0 ; Player Mouse private info
RndSeed dc.l 0 ; Random # generator seed
LevelStuff dc.l 0 ; Level Specific Flags ect
Counter dc.l 0
BlitRepairAddress dc.l 0 ; Address for damage repair
BlitWorkSpace dcb.b 5*34*6,0 ; Blitter Workspace
CollapseJunk dc.l 0 ; timer.b
dc.l 0 ; A3
dc.l 0 ; A2
dc.w 0 ; Line #
; (pre-initialized data)
PlayerPort dc.w $0c,128 ; Player 1 I/O to real world
PlayerArea dc.w 44*RECT_LY+RECT_LX
PlayerXY dc.b RECT_LX+RECT_X/2,0,RECT_LY,0
PlayerArea2 dc.w RECT_LY,RECT_LX
ScoreText dc.w RECT_LX*8+16,(RECT_LY+RECT_Y+2)*8-2
dc.b '00000000',0,0 ; Score
LevelText dc.w (RECT_LX-4)*8,(RECT_LY+2)*8
dc.b '00',0,0
LayerText dc.w (RECT_LX-4)*8,(RECT_LY+RECT_Y/2)*8
dc.b '00',0,0 ; Level
PlayerDataSize equ 15*4+2+5*34*6 ; SentryOneEnd-SentryOne
PlayerPostSize equ 11*4 ; The data after SentryOneEnd
; Player 2
dcb.b PlayerDataSize,0
dc.w $0a,64 ; Player x I/O to real world
dc.w RECT_RX*8+16,(RECT_RY+RECT_Y+2)*8-2
dc.b '00000000',0,0
dc.w (RECT_RX-4)*8,(RECT_RY+2)*8
dc.b '00',0,0
dc.w (RECT_RX-4)*8,(RECT_RY+RECT_Y/2)*8
dc.b '00',0,0
PlayerOneStart equ 0
PlayerTwoStart equ PlayerDataSize+PlayerPostSize ;SentryTwo-SentryOne
;PlayerThreeStart equ SentryThree-SentryOne ; and so on and so on...
; Shapes are in sets of 4 rotations per color, each rotation is 1 word.
; %0100 <<< A Green Shape for example becomes >>> %0100 0110 0100 0000
; %0110
; %0100
; %0000
TetrisShapes dc.w %1100010001000000 ; Purple
dc.w %1110100000000000
dc.w %1000100011000000
dc.w %0010111000000000
dc.w %0100110001000000 ; Green
dc.w %1110010000000000
dc.w %1000110010000000
dc.w %0100111000000000
dc.w %0100110010000000 ; Light Blue
dc.w %1100011000000000
dc.w %0100110010000000
dc.w %1100011000000000
dc.w %1000110001000000 ; Orange
dc.w %0110110000000000
dc.w %1000110001000000
dc.w %0110110000000000
dc.w %1100100010000000 ; Yellow
dc.w %1000111000000000
dc.w %0100010011000000
dc.w %1110001000000000
dc.w %1100110000000000 ; Blue
dc.w %1100110000000000
dc.w %1100110000000000
dc.w %1100110000000000
dc.w %1000100010001000 ; Red
dc.w %0000111100000000
dc.w %1000100010001000
dc.w %0000111100000000
; The system will perform the mind-dumbing work of calculating what
; type of pieces make up each rotation of each object in each color
; Each of 7 basic objects is 4 bytes wide by 4 bytes high as well
; there are 4 rotations per object.
dcb.b 16,0 ; (teat must see zero)
TetrisDetails dcb.b 7*4*16,0
dcb.b 16,0 ; <<< Null Object is #7*4
; Tetris thinks on an internal byte map
TetrisByteMap dcb.l 11*30,0
;Aside from background, there are these attributes of each level:
; 0x2 - raising blocks
; 0x4 - random blocks
;Second byte of each level block contains this information
; (10 bits backdrop, 6 bits other info)
dc.b %00000000,%00000000 ; Level 0 (unused)
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000 ; Level 1
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000 ; Level 2
dc.b %00110011,%00000000
dc.b %00110011,%00000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %01111111,%10000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000 ; Level 3
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10000000,%01000000
dc.b %10101101,%00000000 ; Level 4
dc.b %00110001,%00000000
dc.b %00100000,%00000000
dc.b %00011010,%10000000
dc.b %01001001,%00000000
dc.b %00001100,%00000001 ; Level 5
dc.b %00010010,%00000000
dc.b %00101101,%00000000
dc.b %01010010,%10000000
dc.b %10101101,%01000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000010 ; Level 6
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %10101010,%10000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000110 ; Level 7
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %11111111,%11000000
dc.b %00010000,%11000111 ; Level 8
dc.b %00111001,%10000000
dc.b %11111111,%11000000
dc.b %01101110,%00000000
dc.b %11000100,%00000000
dc.b %01110000,%00000111 ; Level 9
dc.b %10001000,%00000000
dc.b %11111000,%00000000
dc.b %10001000,%00000000
dc.b %10001000,%00000000
dc.b %10001000,%00000111 ; Level 10
dc.b %10001000,%00000000
dc.b %11111000,%00000000
dc.b %10001000,%00000000
dc.b %10001000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000111 ; Level 11
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000111 ; Level 12
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000111 ; Level 13
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000111 ; Level 14
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000111 ; Level 15
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000
; Format of line-draw list:
; Start.w (x+y*44), length.w-1, Type.b, Color.b
; Where Type.b is:
; 0=Horizontal Line
; 1=Vertical Line
; 2=Angled Line
; -n=Area
; Where Area format is:
; Start.w (x+y*44), width.w-1, $80+height.b-1, color.b
PlayFieldOutline dc.w 0, RECT_Y-1,$0104
dc.w RECT_X+2-1,RECT_Y-1,$0104
PlayFieldClear dc.w 1, RECT_X-1
dc.b $80+RECT_Y-1,0
dc.w RECT_Y*44,RECT_X+2-1,$0005
dc.w -1
; System Support Related vars
GameVideo dc.l 0 ; Address of Amiga Screen Mem
GameVideo2 dc.l 0 ; Address of Screen / 2
GameCopper dc.l 0 ; Address of active Copper
KeyEvent dc.b 0,0 ; Last key pressed/released
BaseSeed dc.l 0 ; Random Seed for all players
PiecesMem dc.l $68000 ; System Allocated Memory Ptrs
;AudioMem dc.l $68000
ScreenMem dc.l $70000
dc.w $0000,$0653,$0ff0,$0fff
dc.w $0909,$0b0b,$0d0d,$0f0f
dc.w $0060,$0091,$00c1,$00f3
dc.w $0920,$0b40,$0d70,$0fb0
dc.w $0088,$00aa,$00cc,$00ff
dc.w $0840,$0f80,$0fb0,$0ff0
dc.w $000b,$011c,$032e,$054f
dc.w $0900,$0b00,$0d00,$0f00
; (i had some problems getting sprites off, so I just wanted to make
; sure that they wouldn't show up at all ever in a public release)
dc.w $120,0,$122,0,$124,0,$126,0,$128,0,$12a,0,$12c,0,$12e,0
dc.w $130,0,$132,0,$134,0,$136,0,$138,0,$13a,0,$13c,0,$13e,0
dc.w $140,0,$148,0,$150,0,$158,0,$160,0,$168,0,$170,0,$178,0
dc.w $0096,$0020 ; Kills sprites dead
dc.w $0100,$5300 ; 5 bitplanes, lo-res genlock allowd
dc.w $0102,$0000 ; Other bits
dc.w $008e,$1171 ; Vertical/Horiz visible region
dc.w $0090,$00d1
dc.w $0092,$0030 ; Overscan screen
dc.w $0094,$00d8
dc.w $0108,44*4 ; Modulo for screen
dc.w $010a,44*4
dc.w $00e0,0
dc.w $00e2,0
dc.w $00e4,0
dc.w $00e6,0
dc.w $00e8,0
dc.w $00ea,0
dc.w $00ec,0
dc.w $00ee,0
dc.w $00f0,0
dc.w $00f2,0
dc.w $0120,$0 ; (force sprites off)
dc.w $0122,$0
dc.w $0124,$0
dc.w $0126,$0
dc.w $0128,$0
dc.w $012a,$0
dc.w $012c,$0
dc.w $012e,$0
dc.w $0130,$0
dc.w $0132,$0
dc.w $0134,$0
dc.w $0136,$0
dc.w $0138,$0
dc.w $013a,$0
dc.w $013c,$0
dc.w $013e,$0
dc.w $0180,$0000 ; Screen Colors
dc.w $0182,$0000
dc.w $0184,$0000
dc.w $0186,$0000
dc.w $0188,$0000
dc.w $018a,$0000
dc.w $018c,$0000
dc.w $018e,$0000
dc.w $0190,$0000
dc.w $0192,$0000
dc.w $0194,$0000
dc.w $0196,$0000
dc.w $0198,$0000
dc.w $019a,$0000
dc.w $019c,$0000
dc.w $019e,$0000
dc.w $01a0,$0000
dc.w $01a2,$0000
dc.w $01a4,$0000
dc.w $01a6,$0000
dc.w $01a8,$0000
dc.w $01aa,$0000
dc.w $01ac,$0000
dc.w $01ae,$0000
dc.w $01b0,$0000
dc.w $01b2,$0000
dc.w $01b4,$0000
dc.w $01b6,$0000
dc.w $01b8,$0000
dc.w $01ba,$0000
dc.w $01bc,$0000
dc.w $01be,$0000
dc.w $ffff,$fffe ; Wait forever
; end of tetrisvars.s